Monday, January 27, 2014

May the Force be With You

Gather round me children, it’s time for you to learn the truth.   Many of you may already have begun to notice some of what I am about to tell you.  While others of you will find it all very difficult to believe that it is even possible. 

Just like Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, you too have inherited a great power that flows through you.  Of course, Luke and Leia and the rest are only fictional characters, but, your powers are very real.   Just like Luke, you will need to learn to control this power and ultimately decide if you will use it for good or evil.  This power, once you harness it, can control people’s minds and change the world.

“Right”, I hear you saying.  “I have no such power old man.  What have you been smoking?”

Please be patient while I explain.

You began to exhibit this power when you were very young.  Your mother, this power flows strongly through her, put you in a situation where you were sharing a set of toys with another child.  Though you may not have noticed, whatever toy you picked up, the other child wanted.

As you grew, you may have noticed that all of your friends wanted the same costume as you on Halloween, or joined the same clubs, etc.  In fact, throughout your life, your actions have influenced others.

Now that you have grown, your influence has only become more powerful.  If you want proof, try this experiment.  If you work in an office, where the dress is casual, start dressing a little nicer.  Start wearing a tie and sport jacket if you are a male or a skirt and blouse if you are a female.  I can almost guarantee that soon others in your office will do the same.

So hopefully by now, you are beginning to sense that this power really does exist.

In the supply chain, you have a huge opportunity to learn to control this power.  You can help your customers and suppliers to care about things that are important to you.  Get them to reduce excess packaging, pay a fair wage, etc.  Have them report their carbon emissions and find ways to lower their energy costs while slowing global warming.

If you practice using your power, you may just find that you can make the world a better place.

Heed my warning though my children.  Beware of the dark side.  Make sure that you are using your power for good and that you believe in what you want others to do.

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